Receive the Holy Spirit
Jn 20: 19 – 23
Solemnity of Pentecost
is Pentecost Sunday. In today’s reading Jesus breathes upon his disciples and
gives them the gift of the Spirit.
The Gospel
is Pentecost Sunday. On this day we recall how the Spirit was given to us as a
gift. When we recall how the Spirit was given to us, the image that most often
comes to mind is the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles on Pentecost
day. As the Spirit descended on the apostles, tongues of fire appeared above
their heads. This version of the Spirit’s descent is Luke’s version narrated in
the Acts of the Apostles.
is, however, another version that also recounts how the Spirit was given. This other
version belongs to the Gospel of John which happens to be the Gospel for this
Sunday. In John’s version, we see the Spirit being given to the apostles by the
risen Jesus as he breathed on them. John’s depiction of the Spirit has similarities
with how the Old Testament depicted the Spirit. In the first chapter of
Genesis, the Lord God breathed life on Adam, the first human being. Through
this breath, God gives and infuses life into Adam’s lifeless body.
as when God breathed on Adam, so did Jesus breathe on his disciples. As God
infused life in Adam through his breath, so did Jesus infuse life into his
disciples through his breath. In these similarities and close parallelism
between God and Jesus, it can be gleaned from here that the Spirit was God’s
breath. God brings forth life through this breath. This breath is divine, it is
distinct from the Father and the Son but equal in nature. This is why we call
this divine breath the third person of the Holy Trinity, one whom we commonly call
the Holy Spirit. This Holy Spirit or “Holy Breath” is the very principle of
life, the font from where life springs and begins. It is for this reason that
we call the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of Life.
John using the appearance of the risen Lord as the backdrop for the giving of
the Holy Spirit, one can take a glimpse of John’s understanding of the Holy
Spirit and its relationship with Jesus. The
merging of the story of the appearance of the risen Jesus and the giving of the
Spirit into a single pericope points to us a theme that speaks about “newness
of life.”
the resurrection of Jesus, there is clearly a newness of life, a passing from
death to life. The resurrection is a new life that sits on the foundation of
the old life. The old life, the life of suffering and death, as symbolized by
the wounds of Jesus on his hands and his side, are not taken away or removed.
In fact, after the resurrection, Christ’s wounds remained visible. The new life
in the resurrection will bear the scars of sufferings, not so much as a
reminder of the pain one has gone through but more as symbols of one’s triumph and
victory over suffering and death. The scars are no longer viewed with bitterness and regret but rather as
sweet reminders of how God has kept and sustained one during times of trouble.
reconciliation with our past wounds and scars brings with it our ability to give peace and be at peace. Peace
is mentioned in this Gospel twice, giving it almost a central place in this
gospel. The absence of any feelings of bitterness, revenge and regret about the
past, makes peace possible. In this newness of life, peace is not withheld but
readily and generously given. Peace is shared by the risen Jesus with his
apostles who denied and abandoned him as he suffered. None, however, of their cowardice,
disloyalty, limitations and shortcomings were ever mentioned, singled out or
even reprimanded by Jesus in this new life of peace.
this newness of life springs forth from the Spirit. Anything new begins with
the life giving power of the Spirit. The Spirit has set into motion the gradual
transformation of the disciples as he turned their fears into joy; their
cowardice into boldness as witnesses sent by Jesus. Finally, the Spirit gave
them the power to forgive sins. They who experienced the boundless forgiveness
and mercy of the Lord whom they have betrayed and denied, will become the
worthy bearers and proclaimers of God’s mercy and forgiveness. A new race, a
new generation springs forth from the face of the earth as God reconciles the
world to himself. The Spirit brings this newness of life. As one proceeding
from the Father and the Son, the Spirit is the gift of God who will stay with
us and will become for us God’s love poured into our hearts.
Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of
your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love. Send forth your Spirit
and they shall be created. And You shall renew the face of the earth. Amen.
“ By
contrast, the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness,
generosity, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, and self-control.
There is no law against such things.” – Gal 5: 22 - 23
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