Gifts of the Resurrection
20: 19 – 31
Sunday of Easter
In the gospel today, Jesus appears to the disciples who are
holed up in a room for fear of the Jews. Jesus appears to them and gives them
his peace and his Spirit. This gospel also recounts how Thomas who at first
doubted the accounts about the risen Lord, believed as he saw for himself the
wounds of the risen Lord.
gospel speaks of the days after Jesus’ death when the disciples locked
themselves up in a room for fear of the Jews. They were afraid they would be
apprehended by the authorities and be put to death just like Jesus. Then from
out of nowhere, Jesus appears to them and says: “ Peace be with you.” He then showed them his hands and side. At
seeing Jesus, the disciples rejoiced. Then Jesus once more says to them, “
Peace be with you. “ He then commissions them, saying: “ As the Father has sent
me, so I send you.” Then he breathed on them and said to them, “ Receive the
Holy Spirit. Whose sins you forgive they are forgiven them and whose sins you
retain they are retained.”
The gospel then recounts the story
of Thomas, one of the twelve who wasn’t present when Jesus appeared to the
disciples. Thomas did not believe his companions as they recounted to him how
the Lord appeared to them. Thomas, still unbelieving, said to them: “ Unless I
see the mark of the nails in his hands and put my finger into the nailmarks and
put my hand into his side, I will not believe.”
The gospel then says that a week
later, Jesus once more appears to his disciples. This time, Thomas was present.
Jesus greeted them saying: “ Peace be with you.” Then he said to Thomas, “ Put
your finger here and see my hands and bring your hand and put it into my side,
and do not be unbelieving but believe. “ Thomas answered and said to him, “ My
Lord and my God!” Jesus said to him, “ have you come to believe because you
have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and have believed.”
Today’s reading seems to present to us a festival of gifts
streaming from the risen Jesus. This newness of life brings with it an
explosion of gifts given so generously by Jesus who has risen from the dead.
The first of these gifts is the gift joy. Our reading tells us how the disciples were so overwhelmed by
fear and had to lock themselves in a room. Eventually, this fear was replaced
by joy as they saw the risen Lord. The risen Lord brings joy that takes away
our fears.
This second gift of the risen Lord is the gift of peace. The gift of peace, said twice by
Jesus to the disciples is a gift that takes away all anxieties even in the
midst of conflicts and trials. Peace is not the absence of conflict or pain. It
is a gift that makes one remain serene and tranquil even in the midst of affliction.
The third gift of Easter is the gift of his Spirit. In breathing the Spirit upon his disciples, the Lord was creating
something new. When God created the universe, his spirit hovered above the
waters to create something new, something fresh. Similarly, the Lord breathes
new life into our tired and weary spirits to create in us a new spirit.
Then the Lord gives us the gift of witnessing. As witnesses of his passion, death and resurrection,
Jesus sends his disciples into the world as his witnesses. Just as the Father
sent him, so too does Jesus send us. To live a life that witnesses to Jesus is
truly a gift of God.
The resurrection has
brought reconciliation between God and man. This is why the gift of
reconciliation and forgiveness
becomes the necessary gift to all of mankind because through Jesus’ death and
his resurrection, God has reconciled the world to himself.
Lastly, the risen Lord gives us the gift of faith; a faith that believes even without
seeing. For many, just like for Thomas, to see is to believe. But for Jesus,
believing is in fact, seeing; we see Jesus because we believe; we believe
because he has said it.
The resurrection of Jesus brings joy and gladness to our
hearts. Because of his resurrection, he pours his gifts so abundantly to us who
believe in him. Blessed are we who believe! Happy Easter!
Dear Risen One, with your resurrection, you bring so much
blessing and goodness for us who believe. Make us know fully the meaning of
your resurrection so that we may no longer fear death and evil. Increase our
faith Jesus so that we may believe; so that in believing, we may see and touch
you and live with you forever. Amen.
want to know Christ—yes, to know the power of his resurrection and
participation in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death…” - Phil 3: 10
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