the Holy Spirit
20: 19-23
Today is Pentecost Sunday. On Pentecost Sunday, the Church
celebrates the descent of the Holy Spirit. It is a day when Jesus, having
ascended into heaven and is seated at the Father’s right hand, sends his
Spirit, the Holy Spirit to his disciples. The descent of the Holy Spirit is normally
associated with Luke’s account in the book of the Acts of the Apostles in
Chapter 2.
However, this Sunday’s Gospel reading is taken from John’s
Gospel. John has a different take on how the Holy Spirit came. His account is in
contrast to Luke’s own version of the Spirit’s coming written in the book of
Acts. In John’s Gospel, the Spirit is
given to the disciples by Jesus himself who has just risen from the dead
saying: “ Receive the Holy Spirit.”
It is interesting to know how John portrays the risen Jesus
as the one from whom the Holy Spirit proceeds. More interesting is his use of
the phrase: “ and when he had said this,
he breathed on them and said to them:
Receive the Holy Spirit. ” In John, Jesus actually breathes upon the disciples
as he gives them the gift of the Spirit. This gesture of breathing is
reminiscent of what God himself did in the book of Genesis when he formed man
from the dust and then “breathed into his nostrils the breath of life" ( Genesis
2:7). It was through this breath that man
became a living being.
John seems to suggest that God’s creative action in Genesis
is now at work in and through Jesus as he breathed the Spirit on his disciples.
The disciples of Jesus, John notes, were closed in and were afraid for fear of
the Jews. By breathing on them he gives them the Holy Spirit who infuses new
life in them, much in the same way that the breath of God infused life into
Adam’s lifeless body.
For John, Jesus’ resurrection would signal the new creation
that God was now doing in and through Jesus. It is only through Jesus’
resurrection that this new creation was possible. Only after Jesus conquered
death and sin, can humanity hope for redemption and renewal.
In breathing forth the Spirit, Jesus brings about new life.
The first fruits of this new life is peace. The risen Jesus says to his
disciples: “ Peace be with you.” He says this twice to them. It was like
telling them that now there is no more enmity between heaven and earth, between
God and man, between man and his fellow men. Peace has once more been restored through
the Lord’s death and resurrection.
Another fruit of the Spirit is the boldness to witness.
Jesus tells his disciples: “ As the Father has sent me, so I send you.” From
being locked up and afraid, the disciples were now, through the gift of the
Spirit, being sent into the world, just as Jesus was sent by the Father.
Lastly, the fruit of the Spirit is the power to forgive
sins. Through the forgiveness of sins, man could once again be reconciled with
his creator and would be able to live peaceably with both God and man.
We often invoke the Holy Spirit to come when we say our
prayers. We invoke the Spirit and ask him to renew the face of the earth. The
Spirit is life. The Spirit is light. The Spirit is love. The Spirit is warmth.
The Spirit enlightens. The Spirit emboldens and empowers. The Spirit guides.
The Spirit is fire. The Spirit consoles. The Spirit helps. The Spirit is
comfort. The Spirit is the Love of God in our Hearts.
The Spirit is the Spirit of Jesus in our hearts given to us
as a sign of God’s outpouring of his love to us. The gentle and the unknown
Spirit lives within each one of us, continuing Jesus’ mission of love and
reconciliation in a world in need of love and redemption. To the Spirit we say,
“Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in us the fire
of your love. Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created. And you shall
renew the face of the earth. Amen. “
“God’s love has been
poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit that has been given to us.
“ ( Romans 5:5)
How well you explain that my heart understands.