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Showing posts from January, 2019

The One who Brings Joy and Sets Us Free

The One who Brings Joy and Sets Us Free Lk 1: 1-4; 4: 14 – 21 Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Introduction The reading today begins with Luke’s introduction to his gospel. Then he narrates how the Spirit led Jesus back to Galilee where he preached in the synagogues. The Gospel Our reading begins with Luke’s introduction of his gospel. In this introduction, he basically says that he is writing down events that have happened and have been   fulfilled. He is of course referring to the events about Jesus of Nazareth.   Luke claims that he is writing an orderly account of these events so that the reader may realize the certainty of these teachings. He addresses this introduction to a certain “Theophilus” who may be a particular   individual or may represent a Christian community he was writing to. Then, Luke begins his narrative about the public ministry of Jesus. Luke begins his narrative by telling us that Jesus returned to Galilee in the power o

A Mother’s Prayer at Cana

A Mother’s Prayer at Cana Jn 2: 1- 11 Second Sunday of Ordinary Time Introduction Our reading today is about the first miracle of Jesus at a wedding in Cana. At this wedding, wine has run out for the guests. Jesus saves the occasion by changing water into wine at the promptings of Mary his mother. The Gospel The Gospel reading today narrates to us the miracle at the wedding in Cana. This episode is narrated only in the Gospel of John and not in the other gospels. The episode also is the first of several of the so-called “signs” narrated by John that speaks of who Jesus is. John starts this episode by narrating about a wedding at Cana, a town in Galilee. John is rather particular in his narrative about the people who were invited to this wedding. First, he mentions the mother of Jesus then Jesus himself and his disciples. Then John tells us what happens; the wine ran short and almost immediately, Mary the mother of Jesus, becomes aware of

Being God’s Beloved

Being God’s Beloved Lk 3: 15 – 18, 21 – 22 Feast of the Baptism of the Lord Introduction             Today is the feast of the Lord’s baptism. Our reading presents the two figures of John the Baptist and Jesus. John baptizes with water, Jesus baptizes with the Spirit. The Gospel Our Gospel begins with Luke narrating to us how John the Baptist’s message of repentance has created among the people who followed him, an atmosphere of expectation for the coming Messiah.   The intensity of this   expectation was such that people even entertained the idea that John the Baptist could be the Messiah. Luke tells us: “all were asking in their hearts whether John might be the Messiah.” John the Baptist, however,   tells them that he is not the Messiah. Instead, he tells the people that there is indeed someone else who is coming who was much greater than himself. We know of course, that John was referring to Jesus. John tells the people: “ I am baptizing you with w

Seeking the Lord in Our Hearts

Seeking the Lord in Our Hearts Mt 2: 1 – 12 Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord Introduction Today is the Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord. Our Gospel reading recounts to us the story of the wise men from the east who came looking for the child Jesus. When they finally found him, they gave him homage and offered him gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. The Gospel               Our reading begins with Matthew narrating to us the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem in the days of King Herod. At that time, wise men from the east came looking for the newborn king of the Jews in Jerusalem. They said that they have been following his star at its rising and that they came to pay this newborn king homage. When, however, King Herod heard of this, he was greatly troubled and all of Jerusalem with him. The king then assembled all the chief priests and scribes of the people and inquired of them where the Messiah was to be born. They said to him,