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Showing posts from November, 2018

I Await Your Coming in Glory

I Await Your Coming in Glory Lk 21: 25 – 28, 34 – 36 First Sunday of Advent Introduction Today is the first Sunday of Advent. In today’s gospel, Jesus speaks about his coming in glory and power. He also tells us to await that day when he comes and to remain always watchful and prepared. The Gospel In today’s Gospel, Jesus speaks about his coming in glory and power. He tells his disciples: “ There will be signs in the sun, the moon, and the stars, and on earth nations will be in dismay, perplexed by the roaring of the sea and the waves. “   As Jesus describes it, the end will come accompanied by cosmological signs both in the heavens and on earth. Apparently, there will be great confusion among the nations, as nations will be in “ dismay and perplexed.” People would also die frightened as the entire universe is shaken up. But these cosmological upheavals are meant only to herald and announce the coming of the Lord. Jesus himself describes how he would

Witnessing to a Kingdom Not of This World

Witnessing to a Kingdom Not of This World Jn 18: 33 – 37 Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ King of the Universe Introduction Our Gospel reading is about Jesus who was brought before Pilate. There, Pilate interrogates Jesus, asking him if he was a King. The Gospel Our Gospel narrates to us a time when Jesus stood before Pilate. Pilate, a Roman citizen himself, was then the governor of Judea. Jesus was brought before Pilate by the Sanhedrin (or the Council of Jews) who sentenced Jesus to death for blasphemy. Since the Sanhedrin had no power to put anyone to death, they handed over the matter regarding Jesus’ death to Pilate who alone had the authority to put anyone to death under Roman laws. Pilate himself tells Jesus how his own countrymen handed him over, saying: “ Your own nation and the chief priests handed you over to me. “ Presumably, the Sanhedrin would have briefed Pilate regarding their accusations on Jesus even before meeting Jesu

You Alone Will Endure. All Else Shall Come to Pass

You Alone Will Endure.  All Else Shall Come to Pass Mk 13: 24 – 32 33 rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Introduction Today’s gospel speaks about the time when Jesus would come again in glory.   His coming signals the passing and the end of everything. This would also signal the time when he would gather all those who have been faithful and have waited for him. The Gospel Our reading speaks about the time when Jesus spoke to his disciples about the end of days. Jesus said: “ In those days after that tribulation, the sun will be darkened and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will be falling from the sky and the powers in the heavens will be shaken.” Jesus tells his disciples that the end of days will be preceded by a time of testing, or what he calls, a time of tribulation. Then, after this, the end will be heralded by a cosmic upheaval, where the various heavenly bodies like the sun, moon and stars would cease to follow their usual path and behav

To Be Generous Without Expecting Anything in Return

To Be Generous Without Expecting Anything in Return Mk 12: 38 – 44 32 nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Introduction In our gospel today, we see the observant Jesus speaking about what he sees happening around him. First, he mentions his observations about the scribes. Of this group, Jesus gives a word of caution, telling the crowd to beware of their wiles. Secondly, he cites the generosity of a widow who gives all that she has to the temple treasury. The Gospel In the gospel today, Jesus speaks about the things that he observes. The first of these observations is not a positive one. In fact, it comes as a word of caution to all who listened to him. Jesus warns them saying: “ Beware of the scribes, who like to go around in long robes and accept greetings in the market places, seats of honor in synagogues, and places of honor at banquets.” In those days, scribes were considered to be the interpreters of the Old Testament Laws. They were the ancient ver

Let Me Grow in Love

Let Me Grow in Love Mk 12:28 – 34 31 st Sunday in Ordinary Time Introduction The Gospel today talks about a scribe who came to Jesus one day asking him which is the first of all the commandments. Jesus cites him two commandments and not one: the love for God and the love for one’s neighbor. The Gospel Our reading today tells of how a scribe came to Jesus asking him: “ Which is the first of all the commandments?”   Jesus replies first by quoting Deut 6: 4 – 5, a well known prayer that is recited by every pious Jew twice daily.   Jesus said: “ Hear, O Israel! The Lord our God is Lord alone! You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.”               Then Jesus quotes another precept taken from Lev 19:18, saying: “ The second is this: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”   Jesus finishes his answer by saying: “ There is no other commandment greater than these.”